Palmistry - An Incomplete Truth?
Recently I became interested in the art of palmistry. It is something both my religion and science are against. Then is it something I could believe in?
As a scientist I have been taught to think logically. As a firm believer of my religion I have been taught to have faith. I believe both logic and faith are very important in life. There are somethings that can be explained by logic but for others we need faith. Many 'logic-only' people tend to have this necessity to have a proof to believe in something. They will only believe something when they see, hear, sense or at the very least have a mathematical proof to substantiate it. But it can be very well true that what we see, hear, speak or sense may not be all that true. There are sounds that we cant hear yet it exists. We may have seen mirages but are they really present? A lot of mathematical proofs which may have seemed to be right can very well go wrong because we didn't put a previously unthought variable into it. Do we certainly need to have a solid proof to believe in something? Well... at least I don't!
Twenty years back, If I got hold of a hair strand of yours or some dry skin and said I can tell you a lot about your character from it, you would have labelled me as plain 'mad'! Yet now in this age of gene deciphering, we could come to know a lot of our inherent characteristic with these pieces of waste. I believe the same maybe true in the case of palmistry. Just because we don't know whether some information has been put on our hand, we cant say it is wrong. From personal experience,there is a lot of a truth in it as much as there are errors.
I am not asking people to believe that palmistry is right. What I am telling is to be open and explore it. It may or may not give a lot of right answers about yourself but this is not like fortune telling, this is something which is part of our own body, it is there to be examined. Because it is not be understood properly, it may not be fully correct. But there can be instances which it may help you with.
Just because it is not understood properly doesn't mean it is wrong! It just means it is incomplete! An Incomplete Truth!
As a scientist I have been taught to think logically. As a firm believer of my religion I have been taught to have faith. I believe both logic and faith are very important in life. There are somethings that can be explained by logic but for others we need faith. Many 'logic-only' people tend to have this necessity to have a proof to believe in something. They will only believe something when they see, hear, sense or at the very least have a mathematical proof to substantiate it. But it can be very well true that what we see, hear, speak or sense may not be all that true. There are sounds that we cant hear yet it exists. We may have seen mirages but are they really present? A lot of mathematical proofs which may have seemed to be right can very well go wrong because we didn't put a previously unthought variable into it. Do we certainly need to have a solid proof to believe in something? Well... at least I don't!
Twenty years back, If I got hold of a hair strand of yours or some dry skin and said I can tell you a lot about your character from it, you would have labelled me as plain 'mad'! Yet now in this age of gene deciphering, we could come to know a lot of our inherent characteristic with these pieces of waste. I believe the same maybe true in the case of palmistry. Just because we don't know whether some information has been put on our hand, we cant say it is wrong. From personal experience,there is a lot of a truth in it as much as there are errors.
I am not asking people to believe that palmistry is right. What I am telling is to be open and explore it. It may or may not give a lot of right answers about yourself but this is not like fortune telling, this is something which is part of our own body, it is there to be examined. Because it is not be understood properly, it may not be fully correct. But there can be instances which it may help you with.
Just because it is not understood properly doesn't mean it is wrong! It just means it is incomplete! An Incomplete Truth!
fair enough....but like you say...its one of the mannnnny incomplete truths that are present in the world...and a person should have the liberty to choose which incomplete truth he should believe it
Finally, an article that created quite a stir among the readers!!!! I would like to comment not on the article per se, but on the impact it has had on the friends (including me) in the immediate vicinity of the blogger. This article has certainly revived the interest for palmistry in a lot of people. It is amazing how anything about future generates so much excitement and curiosity in all of us. Is it because the scientist in all of us always wants to explore unknown territories to quench his inquisitive desire for knowledge? Wow!!!! Grand answer, but a blatant lie. There are thousand other issues in this universe and noone wants to listen to them at all, forget understanding them. Then what could be the reason? Is it because we are so unhappy with the present that we expect our palmlines to miraculously change our fortunes? Well..that could be closer to the answer. And what happens if someone tells you that your palm doesn’t have that capacity to free you of all problems. Some would be sad. Some others would be desperate. For instance, if I am told that I will die at the age of 40, I would probably die before reaching 40 , provided I have a firm belief in palmistry and I am weak at heart. The point I am trying to drive home is that if I don’t have the tenacity to convice my mind that I will not die at 40 just because my hand says so, I would probably lose all hope in my life. And the more frequently I am exposed to these negative comments, the higher the chance that I may succumb to these thoughts. I am not here to dispute the authenticity of palmistry. All I have is an appeal to the readers that if you know that you don’t have the capacity to train your mind to disregard negative comments, then don’t take these comments seriously just because your palm supposedly says so. The best thing for such people would be not to try palmistry at all. Don’t ever show your hand to a palmist. If you are weak at heart and these negative thoughts keep haunting you however hard you try not to, then find solace in the fact that palmistry has been proven wrong many times. But, as the writer rightly mentioned, it is always good to explore a lesser understood terrain. In that respect, the witer’s purpose is well appreciated. But, at the end of the day, it’s your future which is being talked about. So if you don’t have the capacity to shape your destiny the way you want to, please don’t hesitate to turn a blind eye to palmistry.
Hi Iyas,
I understand your concern of the weak hearted people.
Onething everyone should know is the fact that as humans ,none of us is perfect.In our lifetime all of us try to attain perfectness by trying to correct what is wrong in us and improve what is right in us.
Palmistry as I said in my article is not about predicting what will definitely happen in the future. Infact it has more to do with what your general characteristics are and what those characteristics will lead you too.
You decide your own fate and palmistry fully supports that fact. In palmistry it is fully believed that the lines change with time. Some lines will disappear while others become visible. Some lines will fade and others become more deep. Just because you see that you will have a possiblity of divorse in your hand doesnt mean what ever happens you will divorse. It just mearly hints the fact that your present character may lead to one. If you find out that you may need to improve your character to have a more successful relation, then you improve yourself. Maybe if you succeed with that you will see that the line which predicted that is no longer there!
You will do better to think of your hand as a reflection of your character than a tool to predict your future.
Hope this will do.
I still have to meet a palmist who knows nothing about me to get convinced whether its true or not by making him tell my past and future.Btw Zubin You are a good beginner :)
when can i have ur appointment.... i wanna knoe some truths abt myself..... let me know when ur free crazy gay..... ooops sorry srazy
Rajganapathy (Indian gamer) :P
Amiable fill someone in on and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you as your information.
Easily I agree but I about the post should prepare more info then it has.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
And according to this article, I totally agree with your opinion, but only this time! :)
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