Wednesday 13 June, 2007

Never Give Up! Just Kop With It!

The piece below was not actually written today. It was written back in May,2005 - a day after Liverpool's (Its an Engish Football Club) miraculous comeback win in Champions League Final! Its not a post on football, there is much more to it! Even if you dont like football, I will advice you to read...


Not only did I get so much joy seeing my favourite team win but I actually learned one of my most valuable lesson that day. A lesson which I hope will come in handy when things are not going that well for me. I have edited this piece a bit but have kept most of it intact becuase even though editing may make it more beautiful to read, it may lose that bit of emotion and orginality.
"It aint over 'till the Fat Lady sings . . ." or to put it in words meaningful to this context - "It aint over 'till the referee blows that final whistle".

I am almost in tears writing this stuff because the club I love most and the club which was slatted by every tom, dick and harry proved to everyone that IF you have determination, will-power and most of all luck (for me this is same as God's grace!), you will succeed in what you set out to, no matter how daunting it may look to you at the beginning. It is amazing what God can do for you, if you have that full faith in him and never give up praying to him. He will give you whatever you want if you ask him with that 'Full Heart'.

Today is the day where passion uprooted gift and money, today is the day each and every true football fan can be proud of - Money may enable you to buy things but only with 'Passion and Desire' will you be able to enjoy the joy that come along having earned it.
When the match started, I had hope. A hope that we will win the trophy even though our team was a distant second on paper. For me 'Hope' is one of the most important thing in a man's life. Without hope, he is doomed. With it, he maybe able to climb the tallest mountains, face his darkest fears and succeed what was thought impossible by others.

No sooner had the match started we went one down. I knew we would conceed but I did not know it would be so soon. I was angry and desperately thinking how we could make a comback from this, when they scored another! Comeon 2-0 down??? My anger turned to despair! It was a hopeless feeling! I never felt soo bad in my life. And thats when it all happened, they scored a 3rd. Wow! 3-0! I could see the faces of the players... They have given up!
What is weird is that at 3-0 instead of switching off the TV and going into a shell, I got a new feeling inside me. I didnt care anymore if they lost! I didnt care if they got thrashed. All I cared now was that they shouldnt give up... I wanted them to fight! I wanted them to give it their all! All I cared now was they came out fighting. Then even if they lost they can look back and say that used up all that god had gifted them with and that is all that matters.

The second half started and all I kept yelling to the TV was "Fight!Boys fight!" and prayed to god that they have the courage to fight and not get insulted! I didnt pray to god to please let them win! As I said before I never cared for that! All I asked god was give them the strength to lift themself, so that they can fight! Maybe God listened because we got a penalty then! A chance to score!! If that was not a sign, he confirmed it when the guy who took the penalty shot straight at the other keeper. The keeper got a chance to deflect it away! But to whom? to the same player! and he scored on his second chance! Wow! Talk about luck!
That actually lifted the whole team! And before I could believe what was happening, from 3-0 it became 3-3!!! 3 goals in 6 mins, labelled as the greatest comeback in the Cup history! That is the day I learned one of my most valuable lesson, "NEVER GIVE UP UNTIL IT IS OVER!,NEVER!!"

I started supporting Liverpool 4 years ago and there hasn’t been a moment in my entire life (I don’t think there ever will) that I got so much satisfaction in life. This satisfaction is due to the fact that, a team which didn’t have the most gifted faces you would see in a footballing pitch comes out and dwarfs a team much applauded for their individual array of talent, due to their sheer determination and will power.

Here again I learned something else, All of us are gifted some way or the other. Take the example of studies - some of us get marks because they are just naturals (having higher IQ, blah blah blah) while some have to spend the entire night sitting and cramming the stuff. Now isn’t that unfair, I wouldn’t say so and why? Because ask the first type to sit and work for 10 hrs and they just wont be able to do it. Everyone comes to this world with gifts. Its is just that we have to discover what gifts we have and where to use it. I have always thought of me as one of the lesser gifted ones, but this incident changed it.

As a human, even now after after all this happened, i doubt myself time to time, but this incident is a reminder to me that I am gifted, You are gifted and Everyone else is! Some use it and some dont. Our job is to get into the first kind!


cafm said...

didnt go into my shell at half time??? I remember sitting in someones car during half time running from MH to his house :P

But how much ever i hate the redshite it was a good comeback....and good lesson too...

Crazy_Guy said...

Getting to my car and driving to my house so that I could watch without seeing the hypocrates in MH is not getting into a shell dear!